The Wake Up Roane County Political Action Committee of Roane County, TN,

is guided by a robust set of values that reflect its dedication to community empowerment and progress. Here are the key values upheld by the PAC:

1. Family: The PAC recognizes the importance of strong families as the foundation of a thriving community and supports policies that strengthen family bonds and well-being.

2. Equality: Wake Up Roane County PAC advocates for equal rights and opportunities for all residents, regardless of background, race, gender, or socioeconomic status.

3. Honesty: Transparency and integrity are paramount to the PAC, which prioritizes honesty in all its dealings and expects the same from elected officials.

4. Openness: The PAC believes in fostering an open and inclusive political environment where diverse perspectives are welcomed, and community members are encouraged to participate in decision-making processes.

5. Term Limits: Wake Up Roane County PAC supports the implementation of term limits for elected officials to ensure fresh ideas and prevent the concentration of power.

6. Constitutional Rights: Upholding constitutional rights, including freedom of religion, speech, 2A gun rights and due process, is a core value of the PAC, which actively defends these rights against infringement.

7. Elected Official Accountability: The PAC holds elected officials accountable for their actions and advocates for transparency, responsiveness, and ethical conduct in government.

8. Registering to Vote: Wake Up Roane County PAC encourages voter registration and civic engagement to ensure that all eligible residents have a voice in shaping their community's future.

9. Positive Progress: The PAC seeks positive and sustainable progress for Roane County, advocating for policies and initiatives that benefit the community as a whole.

10. Education: Wake Up Roane County PAC values education as a catalyst for personal and societal advancement and supports efforts to improve educational opportunities and outcomes in the county.

11. Young Adult Engagement: The PAC actively engages with young adults and encourages their participation in civic affairs, recognizing them as vital stakeholders in the community's future.

12. Religious Freedom: Wake Up Roane County PAC defends the right of individuals to practice their faith freely, without discrimination or persecution.

13. Free Speech: The PAC staunchly defends freedom of speech as a fundamental democratic principle, promoting robust discourse and the exchange of ideas.

By upholding these values, Wake Up Roane County PAC strives to create a vibrant, inclusive, and forward-thinking community where every resident can thrive and contribute to its collective success.